Friday, February 12, 2010

Stockton's Prayers Were Answered

Last night Stockton prayed that school would be cancelled. He thought it was funny. This morning we woke up to find out school was indeed cancelled. For the eighth time this year. Five days for flooding and three days for snow. The snow didn't come until 1:30. I wish they could have got a half day in, then they wouldn't have to make it up.

Mike took his Red Hat test today. He feels he did really well, so that is good. He is very anxious to see his results though. After Mike came back from his test, I took Maysen, Cameron & Jorja to see The Lightning Thief. Cameron is staying at our house a couple of days while his parents are in California looking for an area to move to. Anyway, we went to the 2:30 show and were able to get back by 5:00. Before the ice set in thank goodness.

I have never seen so much snow at our house before. It is gorgeous. We probably had 3 or 4 inches. Too bad we leave all our snow clothes in Utah. I was able to find some stuff, but not much. And what I did find was too small. That's okay, they had fun anyway.
Our backyard

Preston wanted to water the snow
Crazy Maysen
Bare feet ~ what a loon!
Sledding Georgia style: Cookie sheets and garbage bags
Preston & Maysen
Mike had another job interview today. Things are moving, slowly but moving.

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