Friday, February 19, 2010


Today I had to check Maysen and Jorja out of school to take them to the dentist. When I scheduled this appointment six months ago, I made sure to schedule it during their break. But, because of the snow days, they were in school. No cavities again, but I need to take Jorja to the orthodontist. Oh boy. Hope her mouth won't be as bad as Maysen's. Maysen has had metal in her mouth since second grade.

Maysen didn't want me to take her back to school. There was about an hour and a half left. I let her talk me into just dropping her off at home (that is SO unlike me!). Jorja also wanted to stay - she only had 30 minutes left. Jorja was sad because they announced her name as a math maniac and she didn't get to hear it. Maysen was happy she didn't go back because she threw up. She seems fine now. I wonder if she is sick or if it just was the dentist. For years the dentist would only let me bring Stockton in first thing in the morning, and he was not allowed to eat anything before he came. That is because he threw up on them almost every time. Luckily he has outgrown that little trait.

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