Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This morning Mike took the kids on their long awaited trip to DI. I don’t know why they love DI so much, but they do and their favorite DI is the one in Idaho Falls. I skipped the trip and went to see my cousin BROOKE! She arrived last night from Coeur d’Alene. My grandma & grandpa took Preston and I over to the Fuller’s. Then I was double lucky and Courtney walked through the door soon after I arrived. It was great to visit with the Fuller family, even though it wasn’t very long.

As soon as I came home from the Fuller’s, we packed up and headed for Utah. Mike and the kids declared the DI trip a success. Mostly based on Maysen’s finding of Calvin & Hobbes books for $1 each. We were worried about the roads because it was snowing pretty bad, but once we started it wasn’t awful. The kids were excited to be back with their cousins again.

We spent the rest of the day playing Mario Kart and after the kids were in bed, Ticket to Ride. Not to brag, but I won. It’s something I am capable of doing when I am playing with first timers. It is now 1 am and we are tired and headed to bed!

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