Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Makes a Hero?

On Veteran's Day, Stockton's class had to write a paper on what makes a hero. Stockton's paper came back to day. He is so funny. I love the way his brain works. I only wish I could figure out what he is thinking . . . especially when he won't tell me why he's upset!!!! Anyway, on to the paper:

A hero should be courageous, jubilant, and helpful. Being a hero is an immense responsibility. Everybody counts on you to be a hero. You can't be a hero if you're in it just for the X-Ray vision, light speed, kung-fu grip, flying, and super strength. That's not what it's all about. You have to help people and be kind. It's better to be a famous hero than an infamous hero. Hero's have to do good deeds, and think about others. Everybody should strive to be a good hero.

1 comment:

The Bubs said...

He's not just famous, he's in-famous.