Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Six Flags Under Water

We had so much fun with our rain day yesterday that I didn't pay much attention to what was really going on. Man is it crazy out there! We are so lucky!!! Especially since all this is happening all around us, but our house and everyone in it is completely fine. I didn't take any pictures of my own, but I snatched the pictures from others.
Six Flags Over Georgia
My super cute ex-neighbor Weston
The neighborhood where the Tingens live
This photo made me laugh!
The most heartbreaking story is that 9 people have died. One was a little boy from Carrollton named Preston. He was 2 years old. The flood washed away the moble home he was living in and he was ripped from his fathers arms. I can't even imagine.

I am so lucky to have my little Preston all safe and sound upstairs. I was just trying to brush his teeth a few minutes ago and I said, "Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He said, "Hard way" then he looked right into my eyes and said, "It's okay. You can sit on me mommy". Funny. Much funnier then when I tried to put him in timeout yesterday for throwing blocks at Jorja. I held him on the couch for 2 minutes. All of a sudden he screamed "POTTIES" and he went potty all over me, the couch and his stuffed animal. I love that crazy baby.

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