Monday, September 14, 2009

School Pictures

Stockton and Jorja brought home their school pictures today.
Stockton ~ 4th grade
Jorja ~ 1st grade
Looks like I was a little off on the scanner. Oh well, I don't want to redo it.

Maysen had an open house at her school tonight. We were able to go through her schedule with each teacher talking to us for about 10 minutes. Maysen's gifted math teacher caught me as we were leaving and said, "I just wanted to let you know, she is one of the top students I have. Her mind is amazing." and other such wonderful things. Nice job Maysen.

I like Maysen's school, but a lot of things they do are just plain idiotic. Maybe all middle schools are like this, I don't know. Anyway, at her school they have three different schedules. The blue schedule is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. The silver schedule is 3,5,6,4,7,1,2. The white schedule is 6,7,1,4,2,3,5. They rotate these schedules every week! Not only that, but the students are not allowed to carry their backpacks to their class - unless it is the end of the day and they have to because they are not allowed to go to their locker after 7th period. (or 2nd or 5th depending on the schedule). I'm wondering if they are trying to confuse these kids.

On a side note, another idiotic rule is the boys have to tuck their shirts in their pants at all times. Some of Maysen's poor friends don't need any help looking more nerdy. That is a rule that will cause Stockton a lot of trauma if we are still here! Although, I'm sure when we do move, the new school will have plenty of weird rules that I won't quite agree with......

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