Thursday, September 24, 2009

No More Boiled Water!

The boil alert has been lifted! We no longer have to boil water. It wasn't too bad. The hardest was using pre-boiled water for brushing our teeth. It was just hard to remember (Mike) and when you brush your teeth with cold bottled water it freezes your gums. I can't emphasize enough how lucky we are here. It's like there was devastation all around us, but we were completely fine. I can't believe it. I don't know what we would have done if our basement had flooded - let alone our entire house! Mike has been spending a lot of time getting the basement ready to teach technology/movie classes . . . one flood would have been awful. I feel so sorry for those around us that weren't as lucky as we were.

Okay, enough about the flood. I have one funny story I don't want to forget. Yesterday, Preston woke up and came and sat on my lap. As we were cuddling he said in the sweetest voice, "Mommy, I sorry your boob fell off". I was so shocked! I asked him what he said. Again, plain as day he said, "I sorry your boob fell off." And once more. Is this a coincidence? Why would he say that? Does he remember when I had my surgeries? How could he? Did the kids say something about it? Is that how they explained what happened to him? I know I never talked to him about it. I had my surgery 11 days before Preston turned 1 . . . I wonder what he remembers from that time of his life. Does he remember that I couldn't pick him up for two months? Does he remember the various people who would put him to bed? I wonder what goes on in that head of his.


Brett - Rachel B said...

THAT IS SO FUNNY! I can't believe he would know that. Maybe the kids told him that, but thats hard to imagine. SO funny.

Stephanie said...

I know! Mike and Maysen both heard him say that to me. I know my kids have amazing memories, but. . .