Friday, August 28, 2009

Crazy - Part 2

So today was the first day Maysen had to carry her books to her classes without her backpack. We went over the map of her classes before she left and tried to figure out when she could make it back to her locker. She goes to school today, and they mixed up the schedule because of an assembly. Well, not an assembly, a fashion show that you had to pay $2 to attend. Anyway, 6th period was after 3rd. 6th period is Maysen's gym class. She wasn't able to get her backpack, but she needed to bring home her gym clothes. So, what does Maysen do? She puts her clothes over her gym clothes. She stayed like that the rest of the day. Crazy, crazy girl.

Another thing that is weird. They don't let the students go back to their lockers after 7th period. So, they are not allowed to have their backpacks all day, but they have to take them to their 7th period class, or they can't bring them home. Which means she needs to take it to 6th period. I hope she can squeeze it in there after 5th. I think they are just trying to confuse the kids. Some classes NO backpacks. Some classes YES backpacks. Then I was told in a few weeks they are going to switch the schedule every other week. Apparently 'kids learn better in the morning, that is a proven fact'. I wonder if kids learn better if they are completely confused about where to go, and what to bring? Also, they can't choose where they sit at lunch. They have to sit with their class - just like in elementary school Ridiculous!

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