Monday, July 13, 2009

Irresponsible Tooth Fairy

So Jorja runs to our room this morning. She was crying hysterically. I guess the tooth fairy didn't come last night. Then Jorja lost her tooth as she was bringing it to us. I couldn't believe it! How could the tooth fairy forget? Especially since I blogged about it last night! We got it all straightened out though. We had a gigantic thunderstorm last night, so we discovered the tooth fairy was just running a little behind. I stuck blankets under Jorja's bed so it would look like she was still sleeping and told Jorja she could play. About a half an hour later, Jorja was so excited to see the tooth fairy left her a little frog clock. Crises adverted!
Jorja and her prize
Because we had friends over last night, Maysen was the only one who got to do their presentation. This morning Stockton and Jorja had their turn. Stockton has been working on a computer game and Jorja made a card game about birds. We played her game this morning. She was so happy!
Mike, Maysen and Jorja planted a rain gutter garden awhile ago. Jorja bought flower seeds with her own money. We were so surprised when we saw this beautiful flower out our window this morning.
Jorja is so proud!

Mike and I took Maysen to visit her new school. She will be going to middle school next year. The school is brand new and looks really nice. Maysen loved the library. I don't understand why they won't get their schedule until the first day of school. They won't get their lockers until a few weeks after that. I was looking forward to mapping out her route she should take, just like my mom use to do. Hopefully it's not chaos the first day.

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