Friday, April 24, 2009

My Clean Closet

So, Mike is officially awesome. . . but then you all knew that anyway. Mike asked me what room I wanted him to organize. For the record, I HATE to organize! I love it when things are organized, I just can't get it there. I will look at the pantry and have no idea where to start. Mike doesn't have that problem, and he loves to help me out.

Anyway, I told Mike I would love it if he would organize my closet. When he finished, he showed me how he had organized things. He said, "Here are the shirts your husband would like to see you in, over here are shirts that are 'eh comfortable', and here are the shirts to wear only when you are gardening."

Here is a picture of my clean closet. I am so spoiled, this picture doesn't even show how big my closet actually is. If I liked clothes a little more I might be in trouble.

For those of you that are curious, Mike told me to add what I am wearing to the 'comfortable' section.

1 comment:

FitzSimmons Times said...

That's funny! You are SPOILED but at least you are aware of it!